Thursday 24 October 2024

Italian interlude: Somebody Stop Me!

 I was desperate to get back to the Italian Wars recently so I set up a solo game based on the Battle of La Motta from Roldolfo Verginella's scenario book, I amended the deployment set up and put the cavalry on the wings rather than in the centre of each army. Before I managed to set some time aside I found out Simon was free so offered to pick him up and bring him to the Bunker. We have now decided on a name for the wargame room, not Post Office, shop, study or downstairs, it is the Bunker. I digress, on arrival Simon sat down where the Venetian army was set up and when offered a side decided to hunker down with the Venetians. The Venetian infantry were not the best as 50% were Militia but they did have more cavalry, the Spanish infantry was better and included some Landsknecht mercenaries.
Venetian line.

Spanish line.

Spanish left, Venetians right.

 From my point of view I thought my left was in danger as only one cavalry unit held the position, so in true renaissance style I simply threw my army forward, although my infantry seemed less than enthusiastic, the Venetians also came on at a good pace, especially the cavalry. As the horsemen clashed honours were even on my right, we both lost a unit while the survivors headed for the enemy guns. On the left my heavy cavalry proved to be rubbish, they lost out while the Venetian light cavalry went for my gun while the victors reorganised.

Infantry advance.

The cavalry in action.

Things getting serious.

About this time the first pike blocks met in the centre of the battlefield, sure enough the better quality of the Spanish forces began to force the Venetians back, the Landsknecht pike block winning against its opponent was now hit in the flank by the rallied Venetian heavy cavalry. Despite this the Germans pushed their enemies back and routed the Italian foot at the same time, nearby two more Venetian pike blocks were destroyed. The last of the Militia met the second Landsknecht unit and in its turn was also pushed back. The Venetian army had been routed.
The last gasp.

 Although my infantry were in the main better than the enemy my die rolling was very good while Simon was having an uphill struggle for most of the game, his cavalry had done very well but the attack on the pike block had failed. Nonetheless it was a good few hours of enjoyment and it was nice to see the Italian Wars back on the table.

Today I was back in Italy but at the bottom end, Matt had invited me up to Penrith and had set up a game in Sicily, as usual the game table was a treat to see and play on. I was the Americans and had the job of assaulting a small village and capturing a T-Junction. My first wave consisted of three squads of Paras and an M7 mobile artillery piece along with a mortar, in front of me were three squads of Germans one of which were Fallschirmjager, supported by an MMG, 50mm mortar and an infantry gun.

Looking towards the objective.

The T-Junction.

I could advance through a dry river bed in cover or concentrate on the German left wing which was holding the village, I decided there would not be enough time to try a left hand flank attack and get to the objective, so I went for the Jerry left wing, my reserves could advance along the river bed. Things went very well and in turn two the Ami's began to deal out casualties and the reserves moved quickly along the river bed. I fired my M7 at the German artillery and it was the only unit I had which could not hit a barn never mind the door. Thankfully Matt had a hard time with his command rolls after the preparatory barrage, shooting and the arrival of his reserves, I was simply on fire, apart from the M7, and Jerry was taking a beating.



The Yanks take the pillbox.

The reserves arrive.

I continued to simply push all my troops towards the junction and in doing so began to wipe out several of the German units while taking very little casualties at first. I was swithering whether to move the M7 and take on the enemy over open sights or hold out for a hit as the number dropped, I held out, missed again and again. As I got nearer the village I did take some serious hits but by now had enough squads in position to turf the Krauts from the village, Matt's last reserve at last turned up only to be shot to pieces. There was no need to roll for a possible seventh turn, the Americans were victorious.

At last we get it.

Nearly there.

Now boys!

Least said the better.

My die rolling was vicious while Matt failed morale after morale and his shooting was also pretty poor until the last couple of turns. My M7 eventually took out the infantry gun, and on finding a new target promptly failed to hit that as well as the game ended. The scenario looked to be unbalanced but I didn't think so and it would have been much closer under different circumstances.

In keeping with the Italian theme, I am getting on with the Fourth Cohort for the Thunderbolts, maybe another week will see them finished. I have also received a map commission on a book involving the Italian Army in the Balkans during WWII, how's that for coincidence?

I have a Bolt Action V3 game at the club on Tuesday but nothing for during the week, I will have to concentrate on map work. I should also have another plastic kit from Rubicon to build, it is another halftrack, a 250/9 recce vehicle with an autocannon, can't help myself.


  1. Lovely stuff George the less said about my dice rolling the better. But doesn’t that M7 look a lovely model, beautiful 😂

    1. Unlucky Matt, the M7 was my only downside. Great game 😉

  2. Your Italian wars stuff looks most splendid. Two great games topped off with two victories, what's not to like win or lose.

  3. Always enjoy seeing your Italian Wars collection out on maneuvers. La Motta is not a battle I have looked yet in Verginella. I must do so! Good to see you and Matt going toe-to-toe once again. Surprised to see that the setting is in Sicily this time.

    1. Thanks Jon. Not a lot of info on the battle so tweaked the deployment a bit.

  4. There can't be many more colourful armies than that of the Italian wars, great looking armies, very nice indeed, I like the maps included too so you can see what is happening, really good looking game.

    1. Thanks, it is indeed a colourful period and very interesting for weapons and tactics.

  5. Italian Wars are always a good show. The US M7 has a lot of practice to do.

    1. The M7 was the only blip in the American dream. Italian Wars are hard to beat for spectacle.

  6. A splendid triumph there George!

    1. I am sure Matt will get his revenge in the next campaign game, but it was a boost.

  7. The Italian Wars figures look excellent George, that was a good win! Loved the WWII game too!
