Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Whoo, whoo

 Another visit to Matt's Dungeon, always a pleasure, this time I was greeted by his new project, a model railway which trundled around almost on the ceiling, the ridiculously small space hosted workmen, bridges, sheep pens and a station! As ever with Matt, all done to perfection, stunning, you have to see it to appreciate the work.

We were doing a 'Back of Beyond' game where I was the British supported by an armoured car and howitzer along with Indian troops and Afghan mercenaries whose loyalty may be suspect. The Russians also had a number of tribesmen, a howitzer and a lovely model Tachanka machine gun wagon, I was quite taken away with this piece, Warbases sell them. There were three objectives, on my left a railway wagon with an armoured car on it, a road junction in the centre and on my right another railway wagon with fuel drums. I decided off the bat to fight for the armoured car and sent British and Afghans towards it, I wasn't quite sure whether to just concentrate on the junction or try and get that and the fuel dump, in the end I put my howitzer and MMG opposite the fuel dump with the hope of making it costly for the Russians to take while keeping a squad in the area ready to pounce if the opportunity arose. Everything else was going for the junction.

Somewhere in the back of beyond.

Beautiful terrain.

I had some Bengal Lancers and was at a loss how to use cavalry in a Bolt Action setting so simply threw them up the road at the Tachanka and wiped it out, this left me able to push some Indians and British up to take the centre where they stayed put. The cavalry then wiped out some Russian affiliated Afghans before falling to regular Soviet rifle fire, but they had done spendidly and assured that in order to get the centre back the Russians would have to take some hard decisions. The Soviet gun was pretty useless as was my own, the medium machine guns of both sides also turned out to be bad shots. Over on my left I had made it to the wagon with the armoured car and set up a nice defence line as a Soviet horde appeared from over the hill, OK, two squads. I lost quite a few men from one British squad and pulled the survivors back into cover, I had to do the same with one of my Afghan squads, this rabble now decided they were on the wrong side and shot into the backs of my stalwart Tommies. These cutthroats were then put to the bayonet and my boys went back to their defences.

My left flank advances.

I take the centre.

The lancers arrive.
Reds get surprised.

 Some desperate hand to hand combat took place on my left but the line held, the Soviets were now running out of men along with their opportunities to retake the junction, they did however ignore my ineffectual howitzer and machine gun to take the fuel dump a second squad made a desperate run at the junction into my waiting defenders only to be gunned down. As the clock ticked down and we got one last move I could rely on keeping the centre but the Soviets could grab the flank objectives, sadly for Matt his right hand squad kept refusing to move and therefore I was now two objectives up, that spare squad I mentioned above now moved to contest the fuel dump, the British had won.

My armoured car secures the centre objective.

Very impressed with this model.

 I have said it before but it is a real joy to play in the Dungeon on one of Matt's lovely set ups, just what wargaming is all about for me. Matt is also far more lenient with the rules than many wargamers and concentrates on commonsense and playability, another plus for the Dungeon.

I got my new metallic paint box from Army Painter, a nice deal from Wayland Games with free postage. First off there were a couple which as an historical wargamer I will not use nice as they were, Red Copper, Rough Iron and True Copper, I gave the first two away. The paints flow better than Vallejo metals which can be like porridge, especially Gunmetal, they also cover easily, well they do on a white primer which I nearly always use. The Weapon Bronze is just that and has a reddish tint to it, it is not a shiny bronze. I decided to use the Greedy Gold for my bronzed armour which is more akin to artwork and reenactor bronze armour, I got one more bottle just in case and got Tainted Gold, I might use this now and again but it is not shiny. Bright Gold is beautiful and bright, perfect for decorated armour on officers etc. Cobalt Metal is blueish and good for tinting mail, I will use this but sparingly, Gun Metal is nice, better than Vallejo. Plate Mail is fine and does what it says on the tin or bottle in this case. Shining Silver was a let down, Vallejo and GW are much better. So I didn't do too well out of the deal after all, the only colours I really like are Greedy and Bright Gold.

I have almost completed the first twelve figures for I Minerva and moved on the second batch, I have an idea the vexillation will be complete at the weekend. I have to once again thank Phil Robinson for sending me more freebies in the shape of some shield transfers.

Work in progress.

And so to last night, Chain of Command with Simon, somewhere in the Don Basin as 6th Army strikes for Stalingrad. I chose a Panzergrenadier platoon and went heavy with armoured support, a Pz III, Pz II and a 250/1 halftrack. Simon chose a Soviet infantry platoon, two flamethrowers and two minefields. I was attacking a village and Simon was defending, I was determined to actually attack rather than sit back as you can do in CoC and simply out shoot the enemy. 

My objective.


Workhorse but getting old in '42.

I did however set up two squads to cover the advance and sent another in the halftrack along my right flank, I pushed the armour as fast as I could as I wanted this to lead my attack but it took time and I always seemed to need the command dice for something else. Simon tried an advance and got shot up then withdrew to cover, this gave me time to get the armour a bit further on. I then found an opportunity to run the halftrack up and dismount the passengers to assault the survivors of a shot up squad on the right. This was successful and put the Soviets on the back foot while their morale was dropping due to losses As the German armour began to pick on the remaining squads we called it a day, with only one flamethrower left now the Reds had little chance of holding off the German panzers.


The armour in support.

 Sadly the Russians were outclassed from the start and Simon suffered from a few bad die rolls while I for a change was on fire, especially when wounding and killing Soviet NCO's. The only Russian vehicle they could have had was an SU-76 due to the time period and support points and this might have made a difference but who knows.

I have bought the latest issue of 'On Bloody Ground' dealing with Sub-Roman Britain, written by my good friend Dave Toone and his son Dan, the series draws on their experiences with WAB and War and Conquest but with their own unique take on fighting large battles, you won't get away with doing Hastings on a two foot tile with 25 figures. As you know I am a WAC fan but as Hail Caesar tightens its grip on the club and no one seems eager to enjoy WAC perhaps I can persuade someone to take an interest in OBG. Dave missed his vocation as a double glazing salesman as he persuaded me to take a look with his unbounded enthusiasm, also I liked his idea of holding weekend meetings, something I still miss with WAC and even being a newbie I would try and take part. 

Postie on time for a change.

Parthian Shot: The last time we celebrated the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar I remember the lunacy of two model fleets being Red and Blue, not British and French seemingly in an effort not to affect the Gallic sense of pride but more to indulge the morons in charge of the celebrations. Can you remember 'Nelson' wearing his life jacket in the dinghy! Although these days perhaps the kids do think the fleets were Red and Blue. The same thing now seems to have happened with the naming of the latest nuclear submarine, HMS Agincourt will now be HMS Achilles, I remember the Battle class destroyer HMS Agincourt as I rowed past her at her moorings in Pompey harbour waiting for the knackers yard. I have no problem with Achilles as it is a proud name to carry, but I do find the nonsense that it will upset the Frenchies a bit of a storm in a teacup.


  1. Two grand sounding games there George, Matt's set up and games never disappoint. Pleased that the shield transfers were able to be put to good use.

    1. Both enjoyable Phil and again thanks, the boys of I Minerva back you for the purple.

  2. You are keeping so busy I'm getting tired just keeping up! Two grand games there, with the railway a great bonus! I think Eureka do a similar Tachanka which is a little less chunky. I keep hoping Phil's BoB S.P.I.F.F. will field one in our games.

    1. Thanks David, it was an impressive looking model taken out early by the Bengal Lancers.

    2. Bloody Tchankas - they never do much in our RCW/BoB games either - I grant you they LOOK great, but they rarely seem to be very effective!

    3. I almost thought of getting one for Bolt Action but I am in Roman mood at present.

  3. Two great looking games and Matt's railway set up is very well done and really clever use of space. The Romans look great, taking shape very nicely indeed.

    1. The railway is a hoot. Very pleased with the Romans so far.

  4. Apparently almost every landmark in Paris is having its name changed as we speak....?

  5. Some nice photos of the dungeon 👍. I’m thinking of taking a video of the railway as it is easier than photos. What a surprise the Germans killing all the Russian NCO’s I know how that feels !

    1. It was a braw table Matt. Maybe those big shoulder tabs stand out.

  6. Matt certainly sets a high standard for his table. Good to see you two back in action and in the Dungeon. Your Romans are coming along nicely.

    1. Always a pleasure to play in the Dungeon Jon. Just ordered up more Romans, need to get a move on now.

  7. Hi George - I assume your aware that the TV documentary about "Churchill's Secret Army", namely the Auxiliary Units is on TV every Tuesday afternoon on Talking Pictures & also available to catchup on the TPTV encore website at Also do you remember the Battle magazines & Military Modelling from the 1970's & 80's ? which I assume you bought in the past & is now left for posterity in some cardboard boxes. Initially I kept them for those wonderful Charles Grant "Tabletop Teasers" but ( not sure whether it's been mentioned before ? ) I recently came across Steve The Wargamer blog where you can download all 34 Tabletop teaser scenarios from his website. Which saved me searching through all those old magazines at . . .

    1. I gave my licence back several years ago so do not watch 'normal' TV. I do remember the magazines but only have a small collection of Miniature Wargames which contain my articles. I did get the TT's online somewhere, it might have been Steve. Ta.

  8. I particularly like the RCW game at Matts, despite the result (I am a true Red Bolshevik!). The CoC scenario looked pretty hard for the Russians to prevail in. The new Romans do look very nice in 28mm!
    As for the SSBN, I wonder why they ever called it Agincourt in the first place, then made a big story of changing the name - its like a plot from a "Yes Minister" episode, where it has been done deliberately so it DOES irritate the French!

    1. The CoC game was certainly not good for the Russians. Simon went for two flamethrowers which in the end was not a good choice, an SU-76 would have been better, also I think choosing the opposite end of the table might have helped. CoC is far better in a campaign environment. I was pleased with the way the Romans turned out, Moor light cavalry next.
