Right, big news is I got my planning approval, not a single millimeter changed from the first application but this time a different result, begs the question why refuse the first one, but of course that would have saved me a couple of thousand pounds I could have spent on the rebuild, but what do I know I didn't go to university. I have always said the real thieves normally wear a smart suit and a tie, although that doesn't hold true for the oik that came out to inspect the building the first time.
I have also had numerous problems with my computer and drawing tablets, this has resulted in a new computer being ordered which mate Simon is going to build for me in a week or so. To this end the LMF (Legendary Map Fund) has been hemorrhaging money at a fantastic rate, a sad affair for a Scotsman.
What about some good stuff I hear you say, right, I took the Italian Wars along to the club on Tuesday night to introduce another new player to the joys of pikes and fancy dress, it was Fran this time. I once again gave my opposition the better army, the Frenchies, while I took the Imperials and kept things simple as we faced off over a blank canvas. The cavalry of both sides clashed first as the infantry slowly advanced, apart from the French Old Band pike that is, those boys are never very keen.

As the cavalry clashed I thought my left wing was going to be ridden over, but despite being hit by two Gendarme units my elite cavalry held and the combat went back and forward for the rest of the game, with no one getting the upper hand. A hazard was thrown for this flank and Fran lost a stand of mounted crossbows to desertion, not that I could take advantage of this as the clock ticked down. My cavalry on the right did get beaten, although it was after some very intense combat, at the same time I lost a Landsknecht pike block to the terrifying Swiss. I called a halt at this, so once again I had lost an introduction battle, but who cares we both enjoyed it. The club not ideal for large Italian Wars battles which take much longer than the normal three hours to play to a conclusion, although it is perfectly fine to introduce players to the period.
Scots vs Gonzaga.
Spanish Pike.
My Landsknechts about to lose out to the Swiss.
Next up was a return to the Smolensk Campaign and a game here with Matt, I had fought my way back from a couple of defeats to stand on the edge of the main Soviet supply depot, I was feeling very pleased with myself and throwing caution to the wind decided to leave my victorious panzergrenadiers in the rear and attack with a full panzer platoon, what could go wrong. Well I left any planning to the last minute due to my woes above and only gave the game a cursory thought, as well as the tanks, a PzII and four Pz38(t) I took two squads of grenadiers, I had such high hopes invested in the tanks I did not equip these guys with anything to knock out enemy tanks, they were to mop up and take the objective. Matt surprised me and along with his tank platoon, 3 BT-7's he took a KV2, he had wanted to use this from game one, in support he had two anti-tank guns, a far better thought out force than I had.
The objective.
Panzer Marsch!
Soviet defedner.
In Chain of Command all your vehicles have to come on on the road if there is one, I do not really like this aspect of the rules, I have heard of the arguments for it but am not convinced at this level of play. Anyway my tanks trundled on as I managed some good die rolls, Matt seemed to have a problem at first and was struggling to get his tanks on. The the KV2 turned up, sat at the end of the road like a colossus casting a long shadow, it was backed up by his command tank and the armoured dual began, my infantry meanwhile were moving along my left flank towards the station house.
The Panzerwaffe.
The monster.
Matt kept hitting and although not knocking out a tank caused shock to build up, and once that is exceeded the crew bail out, he did however damage gun sights and wound or kill crew members. I on the other hand did manage to hit the monster but his armour saves continually staved off any bad things happening to his crew, I did manage to force his command tank off the table for a short time but this was as far as I got. At some point in the exchange one of Matt's anti-tank guns turned up in the bunker covering the road and started popping shots in my direction, first one crew ran then another.
The Red defence is too strong.
First one down, followed by two more.
I had lost the plot and kept hoping against hope that my tanks would win the day as my die rolling took a turn for the worst and I was struggling to move my remaining armour, isn't there something about continuing to do the same thing but expecting a different result. Matt had gone from strength to strength and got several double phases and one treble. I tried moving two tanks over to the centre of the table and traded some shots with the Russian tanks around the station, but again came off the worst. It seemed looking at the rules that my useless infantry may have managed to drive off the tanks with some luck or, if they could take the building and use a command die to end the turn it would be all over, but no, there had to be no enemy units within four inches. This clinched the deal as my command tank crew also legged it, my bad die rolling along with my incompetence and Matt's handling of his forces meant I had to give up. I have yet to get around to sorting out the damage but you might not see another armoured platoon from 7th Panzer in this campaign, and the initiative is with the Soviets. Now, bring up the panzergrenadiers.
Too little and too far.
The end.
My command tank is abandoned.
I have not got anywhere with painting this week, I did clean and prime some Imperial cavalry and actually got the base coat on the horses but nothing else.
I have however got on with maps instead and once again have several projects in the pipeline.
A work in progress.
French in Indochina.
Jordanian Civil War.
Tudor Arte of Warre 2
We were meant to be playing a game in the Gin Pit on Sunday, but poor Rob fell over a greyhound and got concussed, so although he is getting better he won't be fit for a full days gaming, this means a quiet weekend and a game of Dead Man's Hand at the club on Tuesday. Later this month is a visit to Matt in Penrith for a game and then Julian a week later here at me casa.
On Tuesday night at the club while lost in my game I heard the chimes of an ice cream van, my first thought was what an annoying ring tone. I changed my mind when our resident chef treated everyone to an ice cream from his cool box. Well done Julian, a chuckle and an ice cream, result.
A couple of lovely looking games there. Matt certainly made good use of the KV I. I have never found them very effective, but in this game, it obviously was....exceedingly! Just goes to show how good the early war Whermacht was, tactically, given almost all their opponents...French, British and Russians...had more and better equipment, but still managed to lose!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kieth, the lack of radios would have crippled the Soviet response but we did not play it that way but would be interesting to do so.
DeleteAs always the Italian Wars game looked great and a fair point about club nights often not having enough time to complete a game. I could never get on with CoC and the rules that tanks must come on via the road seems made to me. I had a book some years ago on Panzer Tactics, showing the illustrations etc that were used to train the crews, with maybe one tank approaching on the road and the others in support on the flanks. Personally I'd ditch this 'silly rule'. Lovely maps BTW.
ReplyDeleteThanks Steve. I might just ditch that rule, OK they arrive on the scene by road but once the bullets fly why would you continue to present such an obvious target, and stay on the road instead of spreading out.
DeleteFine looking photos and maps there George your game results perhaps no so fine, but hey oh, thems the breaks and good fun along the way all the same.
ReplyDeleteMatt deserved the Win Phil, I was way over confident.
DeleteWell we both know I was lucky with my rolling and the double phases definitely made a difference. I guess I might only get away with it once and I’m sure next time the grenadiers will all have anti tank bombs etc….but it’s going to be hard to resist the KV in the next battle. The maps by the way are beautifully done. 👍
ReplyDeleteI have satchel charges on order from Amazon Matt, next day delivery. Well played. Better train up my AT gunners. A couple of those maps were hard work, especially the WIP.
DeleteGood duel of tanks. The next run I bet there is some artillery or airpower.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I now have to beware of that KV2, so yes might have to bring up the AT guns, no air power in this campaign although a mortar barrage would pin the monster.
DeleteGrand result on the planning application, as I predicted you may recall. The games and armies look splendid as ever, so I'm sure the results are eased by that knowledge. The haemorrhaging of the funds though must rankle for a Jock, even one living in civilization.
ReplyDeleteI never had a doubt David only how long and how much it would cost me. The LMF may be looking for a government bail out.
DeleteReally pleased you’ve got your planning application through at last. What a shifty bunch of crooks tho eh?
ReplyDeleteSplendid game of CoC! The tank/road rule is, I think, anywhere within 6 inches of a road, so just to either side is fine. Like you, I think that’s a bit daft for fully tacked AFVs at this scale of play.
Looking forward to hearing about your DMH game. I’ve got some more Legion and What a Cowboy lined up for the next few games but am keen to try DMH.
For tracked vehicles it is daft and gives no tactical flexibility. I am sure you will enjoy DMH.
DeleteGeorge, no grass grows under your wargaming beaten path. You remain quite active on many fronts. Your Italians Wars game is splendid and too bad about your recent mix-up with a KV. You continue churning out excellent looking maps. I am enjoying your work in the Badone book especially your use of annotated photographs. A number of your maps carry neither ground scale nor compass rose. Was that a deliberate choice?
ReplyDeleteHi Jonathan, the author did not provide a scale nor direction and I really had no point of reference to attempt it if I recall. The photographs were a departure from normal, but interesting.
ReplyDeleteAnother great Smolensk campaign report - I was concerned as in one fight through I saw on Youtube was a relative walkover for the Germans.
ReplyDeleteWe had one game which was over quick where Russian morale just fell due to officer casualties and that can be a problem in the odd CoC game. I pulled out of two games at the beginning as I have to be careful with losses, and it was obvious I was not going to win.