Tuesday, 28 May 2024


 Most of the drama is over, a long road to recovery is now ahead, hopefully. I did not feel ill when I went in but I do now with large portions of my liver cut out. It was a nine hour operation, Surgical Team and ICU were excellent, beyond words, the General ward was less so and my GP follow up non existent unless I wait for another week. The food was as bad as I expected, luckily I was out in two days and am now under the tender mercy of the missus. Six weeks now before I hear the results.

I have had a lot of well wishes from all my 'electronic' friends and all I can say is they are all appreciated from many people who have never met me, but I would have a pint (not allowed of course) with any of you.

I have spent the day emailing mainly but even the missus has now told me to get painting, and I agree, I am not getting back to mapping for a bit yet so I need to do something. I was going to look at adding some Papal troops to the Italian Wars, smaller contingents than what I have in the French and Imperial armies and from somewhere Russian tank riders jumped into my head, I might park this now until tomorrow.



  1. George, very good to see that you are out of hospital and in good spirit. A leisurely convalescence with frequent painting sessions seems the right prescription.

  2. As all good doctors know… painting and playing with toys soldiers is some of the best medicine around….
    I would advise high doses on a repeat prescription…

    All the best. Aly

  3. Dave and myself were wondering today if you would be up to painting yet, good news to hear you are up for it.

    1. Ordered a command vignette yesterday as a start Phil and mate is printing some tanks for me.

  4. I do hope all is well sir, and great to see you are on the mend.
    I too prescribe more wargaming...and maps...lots of maps.
    Best Wishes

    1. Thanks, maps will come no doubt in due course.

  5. As Phil intimates, you have been much in our thoughts. I expect to see evidence of painted figures galore in due course, it is the best therapy for ailments of all kinds, never fails!

    1. Thanks David, I shall take your medicine seriously.

  6. Seems I came late to this party, but whilst it is probably best to take things easy during your recovery and convalescence, it is equally well to keeps the mind and bod busy, within its limits, of course. Ease you way back into the land of the living.

    1. Everything in moderation Ion would seem to be best, I shall work on that ta.

  7. Glad the recovery has started ๐Ÿ‘

  8. Glad to hear your feeling better, George.

    1. Thanks Ray, I feel for my missus not the best of patients ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Best wishes for a steady recovery and a positive prognosis in 6 weeks or so George.

  10. Get well soon George. Thinking of you.
