Wednesday, 3 June 2015

It's Alive!

I have survived the knife and yes the picture is to elicit sympathy for my predicament. Contrary to expectations the whole experience was first class, the nursing and theatre staff were brilliant and attentive, the food and tea was nice and the anaesthetist and his assistant should be on the stage as a double act, very funny. I can't write much as the arm will take a few days to heal properly, I did try typing there and it was a mistake, I was hoping to paint but that might be out as well for now.

The Romans have landed and they are gorgeous, I only hope I can do them justice with the paint brush. I have also found a much cheaper grass tuft company Gamers Grass, Great Escape Games also stock them.



One of the guys I met through W&C has started producing MDF buildings, especially WWII stuff for the Continent, any new venture deserves at least a look so you can find Colin's buildings at Charlie Foxtrot Models.


  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery George!
    The sooner you can get started on that lot the better.

    1. Cheers Matt, if you ever need help with a map drop me a line.

  2. Good luck getting back on the horse!

    1. Thanks, off to the pub to give the right arm a test!

  3. George,

    Hope that arm gets better a bit quick. That looks like stack of Romans you've got to paint


  4. Cheers Phil, that is just under half of them. Sadly I cannot see me starting them until after the hols due to the arm and that last Saxon unit.

  5. I can't believe Turner is giving it all that 'glad you're well' rubbish - we were drawing lots over your car a few days ago George!! ;-)

  6. You should be on the stage Dave, next one out of town.

  7. Finally got around to telling Google I exist so can comment on this blog. What size and period are those Romans George, be nice and tell me 15mm polybian ( I know it's a long shot) or I am going to have to start painting some of my own lead mountain soon since I have decided to try out To the Strongest soon probably in the holidays!

    1. Sorry Paul, 28mm and 150-200AD, full info on the army in the Ready, Steady ..Go post.
